LabImage 1D Extension Metadata – professional Metadata Management
With the new Metadata Extension, Kapelan Bio-Imaging provides an extension for the world-wide established LabImage 1D, which simplifies the input and handling of additional data (metadata). Users are enabled to quickly and efficiently store metadata for their 1D imaging analysis and use it for later searches. The cumbersome paper-based recording of experimental conditions, annotations, comparative evaluation, etc. will, thus, be outpaced. In particular, companies and institutes involved in drug development or drug screening are offered a flexible option for annotating and evaluating metadata in 1D imaging analyses that is compatible with established solutions.
Among others, the LabImage 1D Metadata Extension provides its users with the following features:
- Individual data hierarchisation: The user himself determines the annotation levels at which metadata are added to the 1D imaging analysis. For example, this can be done with reference to an ROI, individual tracks or bands.
- Diverse data types for annotation: The extension allows its users to assign text (strings), integers and decimal numbers, a yes/no selection via the checkbox as well as data specifications via selection lists, which can be individually adapted to the respective user needs. In addition, value ranges can be stored for the selection of decimal and integer numbers per field.
- Search function for metadata aggregation and evaluation: Metadata is entered at various hierarchical levels via data tables, ensuring the validity of the entries directly upon annotation. The Metadata Extension also provides users with a search option based on the entered data, which can be saved and is thus immediately available for further use and evaluation. In this way, the search results can be transferred to other apps or extensions with just a few clicks. For example, they can serve as the basis for graphical representation in the form of a dendrogram.
Thus, the LabImage 1D Metadata Extension is a flexible solution for specifying metadata and assigning them to objects. The metadata is managed via the intuitive and storable search function, which also enables the subsequent aggregation and transfer of the results to another extension. The extension also fulfils all requirements of FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance, so that data integrity and traceability can be guaranteed at any time of evaluation. Make your metadata management more efficient with LabImage 1D – we will be happy to support you with individual metadata solutions!

Project data can be enhanced with custom fields

Add data to existing project

Select to either add data or search

Definition of data